9 / Beketov Michail

  • Number: 9
  • Birthday: 16.03.1976
  • Age: 49
  • Nationality: Russian Federation
  • Borned: Stupino, Moscow region, Russia
  • Height: 196
  • Position: Opposite
  • Team: "Neftyanik", Orenburg
  • Agent: The official agent of the player is Vladimir Kastornov (mob. +79055910808; pro-volley@mail.ru)
Career of the player 
1995-2008  "Iskra" Odintsovo (Russia)
2008-2011  "Fakel" Novyi Urengoy (Russia) 
2011-2012  Yaroslavl (Russia)
2012-2013 Fakel  Novij Urengoi (Russia)
2013 "Neftyanik", Orenburg
Achievement of the player
Silver prizewinner of the Russia  2003, 2008
Bronze prizewinner of the Russia 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007
Winner of a Cup of Russia 2002
The finalist of the Cup of Russia 1994, 1995, 1997, 2005 
Silver prize-winner of a Champions League 2004 
Bronze prize-winner of the Cup of Top commands 2007 
Silver prize-winner of Cup CEV 2006 
Bronze prize-winner of Cup CEV 2003 
Best player of the Championship of Russia under the version of the newspaper "Sport express"

Статистика игрока за сезон 2010-2011

Игр/Парт Очки Подача Приём Атака Блок Ошибки
общ сред +/- общ оч кф общ поз эфф общ оч эфф оч сред под при ата общ
18-70 392 5.60 +174 251 21 0.30 4 25% - 678 339 50% 32 0.46 72 1 63 136